02 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden dead (Live)

0750: A senior Afghan counterterrorism official has told the BBC Afghan Stream in Kabul: "This [Bin Laden's death] would have been more significant in 2004, 2005 or 2006 - now it is too late. There is a Bin Laden on every street today.''
0744: A spokesman for Human Rights Watch said: "Osama Bin Laden will never again be responsible for mass atrocities such as the September 11 attacks. His death should also bring an end to a horrific chapter of human rights abuses in the name of counterterrorism."
0742: Prominent Pakistani opposition politician Imran Khan has said on Pakistan's Dunya TV that Bin Laden's death ought to mark the end of US military operations in Pakistan, BBC Monitoring reports. "I feel that now that they have killed [him], there remains no justification for this war," he said.
0729: A BBC reporter in Pakistan says the compound where Bin Laden was killed is 800 yards from the premises of the PMA - Pakistan Military Academy - Pakistan's equivalent of British Army officer training centre at Sandhurst.
0726: Haron in Lahore, writes: "I think we all need to ask ourselves if this is the beginning of the end or the end. Osama was not an individual, he was a mindset. I am surprised that the whole world just refuses to recognize that he was just one of the many manifestations of inequality, injustice and insanity that still prevails. We in Pakistan have a far greater insight into the war against terrorism to make jubilations and take the simplistic view that with OBL eliminated, our lives, streets and country is safe." Have Your Say
0724: From BBC Afghan programs in Kabul: Mullah Zaeef, former Taliban ambassador to Islamabad told the BBC, " Osama's killing will not help the ongoing situation for Afghans, I don't think it will do much in the Afghan case, Afghan( peace) need more efforts."
0717: Celebrity news website TMZ points out that ironically, Osama Bin Laden's death came on the eighth anniversary of George W Bush's notorious "mission accomplished" speech in Iraq.

0714: Syed Riaz Hussain in Abbottabad, writes: "Last night, at around 0100, there was heavy gunfire about 300 metres from our house, which was followed by a huge blast. There was little in terms of military activity during the day to suggest something even remotely close to what happened. The exact spot where this incident took place, is a stone's throw from the Pakistan Military Academy, Pakistan's equivalent of West Point." Have Your Say
0712: Reuters have reported some reaction from Jihadist internet forums. "Oh God, please make this news not true... God curse you\rObama," said one message on an Arabic language forum. "Osama may be killed but his message of Jihad will never die," said another posting.
0710: Usman Mansur in Islamabad, writes: "How was he living in that compound in the city close to the military base? Pakistani intelligence must have known about it yet they denied it all along." Have Your Say
0708: Mahmoud Salem in Egypt tweets: "Dear US, u still have that "Mission accomplished" banner? I think it's time to get it out of storage now!"
0706: Official sources in Pakistan tell the BBC Urdu Service that apart from Osama Bin Laden five of his guards were killed in the operation. They have detained four suspects too.
0705: According to locals speaking on Pakistani television from the area where Bin Laden is said to have been killed, Pakistani troops arrived after the operation and they have now completely taken control of the area. There is a search operation going on and no one is allowed in the immediate vicinity.
0702: While Bin Laden's death is "good for the United States reputation, power and influence", his killing "does not end Al Qaeda", cautions Nicholas Kristoff in the New York Times. He says Bin Laden's death "might have mattered more in 2002 or 2003", when "many ordinary people had a very high regard for Bin Laden and doubted that he was centrally involved in the 9/11 attacks".
0659: And this from an senior Afghan national security official, via the BBC Kabul bureau: ''We always said he was in Pakistan. The fact that this happened 60 miles outside of Islamabad, where military bases are, is what we have always said.''
0656: From the BBC Kabul bureau: A senior Afghan counter-terrorism official told us: ''This would have been more significant in 2004, 5 or 6, now it is too late. There is a Bin Laden on every street today.''
0655: Kenya's Prime Minister Raila Odinga has told the BBC World Service that he welcomes news of the death of Osama Bin Laden - who was linked to a bomb attack on the US embassy in Nairobi in 1998. "It's a major achievement in the war against terrorism", Mr Odinga said.
0648: French government reaction: "A victory for all democracies against terrorism".
0646: India's Home Minister P Chidambaram says Bin Laden's killing near Islamabad highlights concerns that Pakistan provides "sanctuary" to terrorists - AFP.
0644: Pakistan's Dunya News is reporting that Pakistani troops are searching the site of Bin Laden's death. Troops are also involved in recovering the remains of a Pakistan helicopter that reportedly crashed during the operation, the TV station says.
0640: From Gen Petraeus' office in Kabul: "We have received guidance that the White House has the lead so we have no comment". ISAF (international force in Afghanistan) is directing all inquiries to the White House.
0638: CBS News tweets: "Aljazeera correspondent in Kabul says #Osama Bin Laden's body taken to Bagram base. Journalists could be called in to inspect it ."
0634: This from US network CBS: President Obama made decision to undertake raid operation at 8:20am on Friday (29 April) before leaving for Alabama.
0632: Indrajit in Kolkata, India, writes: "People like bin Laden are not born, they are made. By poverty, inequality, discrimination. As long as these are prevalent in the world, I fear killing one Bin Laden won't really solve anything." Have Your Say
0631: Muhammad Adnan Rabbani, in Lahore, writes: "Salute to the Pakistan Army who made it possible, otherwise the US and allies may have killed many more in this ghost hunt." Have Your Say
0626: The BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Karachi says that US Marines were operating out of a base relatively close to Abbottabad, the city outside which Osama Bin Laden was killed. The base in Tarbela Ghazi is certainly close enough to run the operation from, our correspondent says.
0622: The executive director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikkow, told the BBC how he had witnessed a spontaneous gathering of people at Ground Zero in New York: "We take a great deal of satisfaction in the news that Bin Laden has been brought to justice. Hundreds of people are gathering spontaneously in the night, just coming from all over the neighbourhood to share the moment of relief that the original architect of that giant mass murder has actually been tracked down in the heart of Pakistan."
0619: More from the BBC's Haroon Rashid in Islamabad: "For those who keep a close on eye on these matters it wasn't a total shock that he was ultimately hunted down in an urban area. In the past we have had reports of him being treated in hospitals in Rawalpindi for kidney problems. There was even one report that he was treated in the southern city of Karachi. All of these were officially denied. Some of the big al-Qaeda and Taliban names in the past have been captured in big Pakistani cities. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and Afghan Taliban military commander Mullah Baradar was reportedly captured in Karachi."
0617: And according to Pakistan's Express TV, American forces arrived first at the big residence on the outskirts of Abbottabad where the operation took place, and Pakistani forces came later.
0614: Pakistani TV says the government there is mulling a response to Bin Laden's death.
0612: US officials say the compound in which Bin Laden was killed appeared to have been custom-built to harbour a major fugitive.
0610: A BBC reporter in Pakistan says the Afghan Taliban have confirmed the death of Osama Bin Laden.
0608: This from the Associated Press: "Based on statements given by US detainees, intelligence officials have known for years that Bin Laden trusted one al-Qaida courier in particular and they believed he might be living with him in hiding. In November, intelligence officials found out where he was living, a huge fortified compound in an affluent suburb of Islamabad. It was surrounded by walls as high as 18 feet high, topped with barbed wire. There were two security gates and no phone or internet running into the house."
0604: Richard in Ontario, Canada writes: "A great day for all. Justice finally delivered for those who have lost loves ones over the years at the orders of Osama Bin Laden. Our thoughts and prayers still with those." Have Your Say
0603: A member of the Taliban Haqqani group - a network of insurgents broadly loyal to the Afghan Taliban - has told a BBC correspondent that he met Osama bin Laden three months ago in Abbottabad.
0601: Here's the statement from the British government: "The news that Osama Bin Laden is dead will bring great relief to people across the world. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the worst terrorist atrocities the world has seen - for 9/11 and for so many attacks, which have cost thousands of lives, many of them British. It is a great success that he has been found and will no longer be able to pursue his campaign of global terror. This is a time to remember all those murdered by Osama Bin Laden, and all those who lost loved ones. It is also a time too to thank all those who work round the clock to keep us safe from terrorism. Their work will continue. I congratulate President Obama and those responsible for carrying out this operation."
0558: More on the three other people killed along with Bin Laden; officials are saying that one of them was a son of the al-Qaeda leader.
0556: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Bin Laden's death is a "resounding triumph for democratic nations fighting terrorism" - Reuters.
0554: Arif Siddiqui in Dhaka, Bangladesh writes: "A victory of peace over terror." Have Your Say
0553: Carolyn Shawgo in Washington, US writes: "First tears and then a wave of relief. Such a sad event to celebrate. I feel as if President Obama handled this with dignity and calm clarity with no sort of boasting." Have Your Say
0543: Here's a link to a full transcript of President Obama's statement.
0548: Neokin in Bangalore, India writes: "It is a significant achievement for the people of the US and people all over the world who want peace and justice. Great operation led by US intelligence and troops who have dedicated their lives particularly to this operation." Have Your Say
0546: CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller tweets: "Official says US believes compound in Abottabad built about 5 years ago specifically for the purpose of harboring bin-Laden."
0544: The BBC's Haroon Rashid in Islamabad said that last night there were rumours that an operation was going on in an area close to Abbottabad. There were unconfirmed reports of a military helicopter crashing in the area as well. Witnesses said the whole area was cordoned off and nobody was allowed close although they did hear gunshots and firearms. But nobody had any inkling that this was an operation to get Osama bin Laden.
0542: Tim Sumner, from the group called 9/11 Families for a Safe&Strong America, lost a friend, and his brother-in-law in the 9/11 attacks. He gave his reaction to the BBC: "I'm very happy to see that our nation has scored this victory. I say it's a victory for America and for all those engaged in this war -- and it is a war. On a personal level, I woke my wife up just not long ago to tell her and this has been long coming... I would say we are exhilarated, that would be a good word to use. It is a just ending to a mass murderer."
0539: Four people including Bin Laden were killed in the operation - AFP.
0538: US official says Bin Laden's body is being handled according to Islamic practice and tradition, Reuters reports.
0537: UK Prime Minister David Cameron says Bin Laden's death "will bring great relief" around the world - Reuters.
0536: US state department warns Americans of "enhanced potential for anti-American violence" following Bin Laden's death.
0534: AP citing Pakistani official: Four helicopters launched the attack in the Bilal area of Abbottabad, about 100km north of Islamabad; women and children were taken into custody during the raid, according to the report.
0531: Justin King in New York, US writes: "Good news, bad reaction. While I am very pleased to hear that Bin Laden is no longer living and I understand that many may feel that this symbolises a sort of closure to 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, I can't help but feel a little disgusted by the cheering mob jumping around outside the White House. As the world celebrates this occasion let's not forget that even killing a killer is an ugly business and we could be recognising Bin Laden's demise in a more dignified way." Have Your Say
0530: CNN anchor Rosemary Church tweets: "Ed Henry reporting thousands out the front of the WH, celebrating the news that the world is taking in: #OsamabinLaden is dead!#CNN"
0524: Former US President George W Bush has called the death of Bin Laden a "momentous achievement". He said in a statement: "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."
0522: The American president stressed that the US is not at war with Islam - Bin Laden's demise should be welcomed by all who value peace and dignity, he said.
0519: Obama's verdict towards the end of his statement: "Justice has been done." He said Bin Laden's death marks most significant achievement in struggle against al-Qaeda - and paid tribute to intelligence officials - but he also said there's still more to be done.
0516: President Obama said there was a firefight, after which US forces took possession of Bin Laden's body.
0514: President Obama said Bin Laden was killed after the US launched a targeted operation at a compound in Pakistan.
0500: We're starting up live coverage shortly after US President Barack Obama announced that al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed in a US-led operation. Stay with us for the latest updates - reports from our correspondents on the ground, expert analysis, and your reaction from around the world. You can contact us via e-mail, text or twitter. We'll publish what we can.

aeBux - The Success Continues!

source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12307698

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